Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Question

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions by our customers regarding the world of tattoos, piercings, and permanent makeup. If you wish to receive more information, do not hesitate to contact us.

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How do I book an appointment?

To book an appointment just go to the contacts section and fill in the form, otherwise you can drop by the studio directly.

At what age can tattoos be done?

Italian law provides for the attainment of the age of majority, i.e. 18 years. While minors aged 16 and under can only be tattooed with the consent and their parents’ authorization or legal guardian.

How much does a tattoo cost?

There isn’t a precise answer because the final price depends on many factors. The cost of the tattoo is determined by elements such as the size, the style chosen, the difficulty of execution, if is done in black and white or with colors, the artist you choose, and the hours spent on it.

How can I get an idea of the price?

The best choice you can make is to book a free consultation with an artist! Simply contact us by sending an email about your project. Afterward, you will be contacted to come directly to the studio so that we can work on your idea in the best possible way; together we will decide the actual measurements of the tattoo, we will do some tests of positioning on the skin, and on the basis of all the information and conclusions we will provide you with a detailed price for the work to be done.

Can I come for a walk-in tattoo or do you receive on appointment only?

We generally recommend booking an appointment; occasionally a tattoo artist might have a last-minute cancellation and only then might there be an opportunity for a walk-in.

How much harm can a tattoo do?

It has to be said that pain is subjective, so there isn’t a real answer, it depends from person to person! What we can say is that, depending on the size and structure of the tattoo, each area of the body has a different kind of sensitivity, so there are certainly parts where a tattoo will hurt more and other parts where the pain will be mild. We always give one basic piece of advice, which is to relax at the time of the session. If you relax, your body will quickly “get used to” feeling pain, decreasing the sensation.

How long does a tattoo heal?

The tattoo takes three weeks to heal, but in reality it takes months for the skin to regenerate completely.

How do I care for a freshly done tattoo?

Once you have finished your session with us, you will be given all the instructions you need to follow in order to perfectly care for your new tattoo.

In this article, we explain step by step everything you need to know!

Do I have to leave a deposit if I decide to start a project with you?

Yes, a deposit is required. It will not be refundable but it will be subtracted from the final price of the tattoo.

How should I prepare myself before the tattoo?

The only recommendation is not to party the night before because alcohol can increase bleeding for up to 24 hours. The blood also dilutes the pigments, adversely affecting the appearance of the tattoo and the healing process. Otherwise, you have nothing to worry about, you are in good hands.


Can I come to you for a cover-up?

Of course, after consultation with the tattoo artist who will determine the feasibility of the correction/alteration/covering.


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What is the minimum age to get a piercing at your studio?

The minimum age is 14, but authorization and the presence of a parent or legal guardian is required.

Can anyone decide to get a piercing?

It depends, in fact before a piercing is performed we offer a consultation service to discuss your preferences and answer your questions; against this, it will be possible for us to determine whether the piercing is feasible or not.

How long does the pain of a piercing last?

Depending on the area to be drilled, the response is different. Usually, post-hole pain tends to disappear gradually over a few days to a few weeks.

How long does it take for a piercing to heal?

The healing time of a piercing can vary depending on the location and type of piercing. In general, healing can take from a few weeks to several months. During this period, it is important to carefully follow the care instructions provided by our staff to promote optimal healing.

How soon can I change jewelry?

It depends on the area of the body where the piercing was performed and the individual healing process. In general, it is advisable to wait at least 6-8 weeks before changing the jewelry, but a longer period of time may be necessary for more complex piercings or those requiring longer healing.

What should I do in case of infection?

If you think you have an infection in progress, we advise you to act promptly to prevent complications and promote proper healing. You can come directly to the studio and you will be followed by our professional piercer who will provide you with the most appropriate guidance.

Is a piercing painful?

The sensation of pain may vary from person to person, everyone has a different tolerance, and it also depends on the area where the piercing is performed. However, our highly qualified staff uses professional techniques to minimize any pain.

What precautions should I take after having a piercing done?

After having a piercing done, it is essential to carefully follow the care instructions provided by our studio, which you can find here. We remind you to avoid touching the piercing with dirty hands and to follow proper personal hygiene. Very important: avoid using make-up or chemicals in the piercing area during the healing time.

Is there a best time to get a belly button piercing?

Yes; we recommend choosing autumn as the ideal season to do this piercing. It’s a very delicate piercing and its healing is rather slow, so deciding to do it during this period will ensure the necessary time for proper healing for the following summer; moreover, avoiding doing it during the summer allows you to have optimal healing as the piercing will not come into contact with sand and bacteria.

How can we tell if our body rejects a piercing?

This is evident from the severe pain and swelling of the skin surrounding the punctured area.
If there are any doubts, we recommend that you come directly to our studio.



What is PMU?

PMU, which stands for Permanent Makeup, is a cosmetic technique in which color pigments are inserted into the skin to permanently or semi-permanently enhance to modify facial features such as eyebrows, eyeliner and lips.

What PMU service do you perform in your studio?

At Arte Viva Tattoo we offer a dermopigmentation and tricopigmentation services.

What is the difference between microblading and dermopigmentation?

The difference between these two categories is the tool that is used. For example, with both microblading and dermopigmentation, it is possible to recreate the hair-on-hair effect and also the shade effect.

Is dermopigmentation considered permanent or semi-permanent make-up?

Dermopigmentation can be considered either permanent or semi-permanent make-up depending on the method and the desired effects.
If a permanent effect is desired, the pigments are inserted deeper into the skin, up to the dermis; otherwise, if a less long-lasting effect is preferred, the semi-permanent make-up technique is performed, in which case the pigments are inserted less deeply into the skin, specifically into the epidermis.

How long does permanent makeup last?

Depending on the type of skin to be treated the duration may vary: it lasts from a minimum of 6 months to up to 5 years before needing to be retouched.

What are the main PMU treatments available?

The main PMU treatments include shading, shading or hair-to-head technique for eyebrows, for the eye area we do eyeliner shading (upper or lower), shading and contouring/defining lips, and for those who have always wanted freckles, with our service it will be possible to have them. These treatments can be customized to individual preferences for natural and satisfying results.

Is permanent makeup painful?

Absolutely not, but it can be slightly uncomfortable. Of course pain is subjective, each person has a different threshold of pain tolerance, but we can say that for most of our clients the session is totally bearable.

How long does a permanent makeup session last?

The first session lasts approximately three hours, the time needed to decide the appropriate shape for the case and then to realize it.
The second session will last two hours; in this phase the pigment will be reinforced, any asymmetries refined and the shape even better defined.

How often should an annual touch-up be carried out?

An annual touch-up varies depending on many factors; it depends on the skin type, care during the healing process, skin care and cleansing, and a person’s daily habits such as smoking.
For oily skin, there may be a need for a touch-up every 6 months, while mixed/dry skin will need a touch-up approximately every 12 months, 2 years or more.

Is permanent makeup to be considered a tattoo?

Yes, it is still a tattoo because the pigment is placed under the skin. The difference between a tattoo and permanent make-up lies in the different use of pigments: those used in the tattoo world prevent our body from dispose of those pigments, instead the molecules present in PMU pigments allow the pigment to be phagocytosed by our body; thus, the pigment will lighten over time.

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